Returning Soldiers – Vancouver

Returning Soldiers – Vancouver

This list contains the names of repatriated soldiers that disembarked at Vancouver on Jan 25, 1919.

Adams, Gilbert WilliamHall, GeorgeO’Grady, Joseph Leo
Aikman, Charles WalterHall, Stanley RussellOliphant, Alexander
Akeroyd, Thomas ClarksonHamer, PeterOlive, Arthur Frederick
Alexander, Aitken RobertHamilton, James LewisOlson, Paul Waldimar
Allaire, WilfredHamilton, Stuart PercyO’Neil, Wallace
Allan, FredHaney, Robert VernonOsborne, Albert
Allan, JohnHardy, Albert WilliamOsborne, James Arthur
Allan, JohnHarris, AlexanderOselle, Alexander
Allard, MaximeHarris, Gordon McGregorOstram, Henry
Allen, ClarenceHarris, John W.Owens, George Frederick
Allison, JamesHart, A. D.Paige, Eugene
Anderson, AlbertHart, James LawrencePalmer, Carl E. T.
Anderson, Carl F.Haug, Herbert RoyPalmer, M. M.
Anderson, David R.Hawkes, UrielPappas, Josh
Anderson, Gus WilliamHaworth, Leonard HyderParks, John Anthony
Anderson, Robert MalcolmHay, Andrew LeesPaterson, Herbert William
Anderson, ThomasHay, JamesPaterson, James
Anthony, John AlexanderHayden, John EdwardPaton, Jack George
Archibald, LindsayHeal, Stephen RupertPatterson, David William
Armstrong, Harold S.Heald, ErnestPatterson, Harry Gordon
Armstrong, Robert CochranceHector, Harold AlexanderPatterson, Matthew
Armstrong, William HaroldHeffner, Lawrence EdwardPayne, Richmond A.
Arnell, George EdwinHenderson W. W.Peacock, Arthur Ripley
Arnold, Clarence McKenzieHenderson, Eric A.Pearce, John Henry
Ashmore, WilliamHenderson, StewartPearson, Edward
Ashper, OttoHenderson, William AlexPearson, Pete
Atkinson, Arthur EdwardHenley, Athur FrankPeers, William John
Audet, EdwardHenrickson, HenryPendlebury, Joseph Edwin
Ausenhus, NoralfHepburn, James H.Pennington, H.
Avey, Lorne ArthurHerbert, ErnestPentland, Edward Ethelbert
Ayers, John HaroldHessler, Howard RicePerdue, George Frederick
Bailey, Arnott JamesHeyes, GeorgePerks, Richard Cecil
Baker, Fred WilliamHielscher, RicardPerlard, Rudolph Mathew
Bald, Robert G.Higgs, Harry A. S.Perry, Frederick John
Balfour, James MathieHill, FitzwillaimPeters, David A.
Ball, Fred JamesHilliard, ArthurPeters, Henry Terrence
Ball, William Frank WestonHills, JohnPeters, James
Banfield, Albert JohnHodges, William EdwardPetit, Pierre
Banfield, AnsonHodgette, WalterPetrie, A. Duncan
Banks, RichardHogan, DennisPhelan, Edward
Barnwell, Joseph AlexanderHollis, Caleb ErnestPhilipovich, Choketa
Barr, AndrewHoneywell, ArthurPhillip, William Calder
Barrow, RoyHopner, Alexander EdwardPhillips, John
Barthollomew, AlfredHorie, Harold W.Pickering, Ira Emerson
Base, John HenryHorne, RobertPierce, William George
Beaton, John ArchieHoshal, William AlfredPierce, William Percy
Beattie, Alexander RobertHoward, Gordon ScottPilkington, Albert Edward
Beer, A. L.Howe, JosephPim, Edgar Henry
Bell, John ElmerHowell, Wendell JamesPizor, Guy
Bellamy, Albert EllisonHowlett, John EdwardPlatt, George Archibald
Bellochio, DonatoHowse, Herbert AlfredPodrasky, Adolf
Belmont, Larry HaleHudson, William HenryPorter, Cline Thomas
Belsheim, ThomasHume, John AlexanderPowell, Harold Mylton
Bennett, Charles JohnHumes, JamesPowell, William
Bennett, PercyHumphrey, Cyril GlynPower, James David
Bennie, John WillisHumphrey, FrankPower, Thomas Fred
Bentley, Thomas JohnHunt, Albert JohnPratt, Charles Henry
Benton, William JamesHunt, JohnPrecious, Arthur
Berkowitz, HarryHunter, AndrewPress, George Edward
Berris, AntonioHutcheson, Ray ErnestPrice, Ivor
Beston, JohnHutchinson, ArchibaldPrice, Thomas
Biggs, Percy ArmstrongHutchinson, Hubert HenryPriest, John
Birch, ArthurHutchinson, MathewProctor, Samuel Ashworth
Bird, JohnIngram, James HughesProsser, William Wifred
Bitson, WilliamInksetter, Frank StewartProvan, Thomas Galbraith
Black, PearlIsard, Edwin OrvilleProwse, C.
Blackburn, GeorgeJackson, George LindsayPulliner, Albert Ernest
Blackburn, John WilliamJackson, Reginald B.Purmal, Albert Charles
Blacklock, ColinJacobs, Frederick M.Puttick, Albert Watts
Blais, FernadaJames, Howard T.Pybus, William Henry
Blakey, William GeorgeJames, Robert E.Quigley, William Charles
Bland, William K.Johnson, Alexander CharlesRadford, Hugh Cecil
Bloomfield, James MunroJohnson, Angus LaughlinRadford, William John
Bolderston, Alfred R.Johnson, Arthur E.Radley, Richard
Borrie, Wilfred JohnJohnson, CharlesRamsay, Frank
Boulier, ClarenceJohnson, Herbert CliffordRamsay, Hugh Augustine R.
Boultbee, Herbert N.Johnson, Irving EllisRand, Fred K. Ernest
Boultbee, Thomas JamesJohnson, Joseph ArthurRaney, Norman Charles
Bower, William P.Johnson, Joseph LeonardRatcliffe, Harold
Boyle, R. A.Johnson, Nicholas S.Raven, John
Bradbrooke, G. R.Johnson, ThorstemReed, William John
Bradbury, HerbertJones, Herbert FrankReid, Charles William
Bradford, William H.Jones, Paul Reid, James Allan
Bradhart, Joseph CharlesJones, Ralph GordonReid, Ray Leith
Bragg, Melville W.Jones, Robert EdwardReid, Thomas
Braithwaite, RichardJones, William OwenReiger, Jack Fred
Bramhall, George S.Jones, William VernonReinholt, August Theodore
Bratt, George W.Jure, William K.Rennie, Charles Hillman
Breakey, ThomasKeiney, William HenryRichardson, Harold Charles
Breen, William HenryKelderman, CorneliusRichardson, Mathew Ross
Brewster, Jack AlexanderKellogg, De ForestRichardson, Robert Tavendale
Bridgeman, WilliamKelly, Eric GeorgeRichmond, James Fleming
Brocklehurst, A. A.Kelly, JohnRicketts, Samuel E. Rife
Brooke, Robert S.Kelly, ThomasRiddell, George Nicholas
Brooks, GeorgeKelly, WilliamRiley, William
Brooks, William RichardKemp, AlexRines, Lexie Allan
Brown, Charles PaulKennedy, MargaretRinnell, Edward
Brown, FrancisKennedy, Martin NicholasRivers, William Ernest
Brown, Irving F.Kennedy, Paul harveyRobertson, David C.
Brown, Thomas WilliamKennedy, WilliamRobertson, Edgar D.
Brown, Vincent JosephKern, Edward ErnestRobertson, Henry
Brown, William AlfredKerr, Arthur HughRobertson, Ralph
Brown, William LewisKezar, John HaroldRobins, Arthur
Bruce, JamesKilrose, FredRochfort, Oswald John
Bryce, William macKenzieKimball, Frank H. Rock, Bertie
Bryon, James WilburKing, Charles WalkerRodle, Harry
Buckley, John FrancisKing, Eric FrancisRodson, Alexander
Bull, Charles HenryKing, Francis HarrisonRogers, David
Bunt, William PercyKinrade, Charles StanleyRogers, Judson Havelock
Bunting, Joseph RobertKinsley, Alfred AinsworthRoscoe, Harold Morton
Burdett, WilliamKirchner, Walter HaroldRose, John Buchanan
Burgess, John HartleyKirk, Aaron PhillipRoss, Wilfred
Burnett, Dick PercyKirk, Frank SidneRundall, Frederick Charles
Burnett, Harry KirbyKirkham, Thomas JamesRushant, Charles
Burns, Harold StewartKirkpatrick, GoldionRussell, Robert
Burpee, James ArchibaldKitson, Charles FrederickRussell, Robert Cooper
Burt, PeteKlopp, AlexanderRussell, William 
Burton, Arthur RalphKnight, ArchibaldRyall, William Henry
Burton, Roy W.Knight, Frank NicholRyan, Edward Evans
Buxton, ErnestKnight, RobertRyan, M. J.
Cackette, Eric ArthurKnox, Raymond CharlesRyberg, Emil Marius
Calder, WilliamKrogstad, CharlesRyder, George
Calling, CecilKyle, Thomas A.Ryder, Walter Elvin
Cameron, Robert CaseyL’ Heureux, JosephSaddleton, Sydney John
Campbell, Thomas C.LaFlett, E. E.Sadler, William
Campbell, Fraser AlecLaing-Meason, Gilbert G.Sainsbury, John Mathew
Campbell, James P. C.Laird, Roland, A.Salisbury, Edward John
Campbell, John NeilLaird, StanleySanders, Robert Charles
Campbell, Peter BeggLamb, Thomas AlexanderSanders, Waldis John
Campbell, R. H.Lambert, EdwardSatterfield, Harold
Campbell, Vitalian MichaelLamond, RobertSauve, Joseph Paul
Campbell, William HenryLang, Henry GeorgeSchmidt, Paul Marvin
Cannell, Harry AlecLang, JohnScott, Clifford Amos
Cantin, Alfred HenryLangdon, George HenryScott, Harry
Carley, John JosephLangill, Sidney SlaterScott, Robert Linnaeus
Carlow, StanleyLankin, EarlScott, Robert Nichol
Carmichael, Alexander H.Lapointe, DanielSeaborne, Walter E.
Carpenter, WilfredLarsen, Charles LumsdenSears, James
Carr, FrederickLarsen, ChrisSeers, William
Carrigan, Charles WesleyLarsen, FredSeldon, Keith Grant
Carrigan, Robert JamesLarsen, Hans SimonSelkirk, Thomas Robert
Carroll, John McLeodLarsen, LarsSelwood, Arthur Francis
Carter, Ernest FrancisLarson, CharlesSepner, Albert Edward
Cassidy, JamesLarson, John BirgerSharp, James
Ceasaretti, DominicLaslett, Emily EdithShelburne, Edward
Chadsey, Lockhart B.Latremouille, Rene A.Shillingford, Charles M.
Chambers, ArthurLatta, William SmithShirley, Richard Wilbert
Chaput, Joseph D.Laudrey, EdeyShirt, Ralph William Frederick
Chase, Walter LothrupLaughton, IzatSidsworth, Earl
Cheale, Robert AlbertLawler, James WilliamSills, Harold Godfrey
Cheeney, Henry JohnLaycock, George RobertSimpson, Duncan Perley
Chiles, Charles RaymondLeary, Charles SidneySimpson, R.
Chisholm, AlexanderLeeney, Stanley HowardSimpson, William Charles
Choss, William FrederickLefevre, HenrySloan, Robert
Christinson, ElnosLeigh, Albert JosephSmiley, Geoffrey Hooper
Christinson, JohnLemieux, Paul JosephSmith, Albert
Christopher, Arthur HoltLemieux, RommelSmith, Albert Jesse
Clapham, William FerrandLeuty, Charles FrankSmith, Alexander
Clark, John ThomasLewis, Hugh G.Smith, Charles Henry
Clark, ThomasLewis, Thomas HenrySmith, George Archibald
Clarke, Arthur JamesLian, AlfredSmith, Kenneth
Clayton, William CharlesLidster, Percy AinsleySmith, Norman Dryden
Clemence, John ArthurLillestrand, Frank WalterSmith, Robert
Cliff, George HubertLillimen, Alfred EdwardSmith, Sidney
Clifford, JonathanLindblad, Ragner Gustave J.Smith, Thomas
Clusel, Lucian HenryLindsay, JohnSmith, William Henry
Clute, Richard C.Lister, Oswald LewisSmith, William Michaele
Cochran, William LeeLister, Thomas JamesSmyth, Frederick
Cocksedge, JosephLochrie, James KennethSmyth, John Gillespie
Cole, Edgar ShaplandLocke, James WalterSnider, C. H.
Conlan, Thomas PatrickLockyer, Ernest Adam EdwardSoles, George Hilton
Conroy, BernardLong, PercivalSomerville, Carl 
Cook, Arthur HenryLoucks, Arthur RossSomes, William Herbert
Cook, JosephLoughrin, John PatrickSowden, Sanford Boswell
Cook, Stewart FraserLoundquist, FrankSpeers, Russell W.
Cooley, PerceyLove, John StanleySpencer, Francis
Coomer, HarveyLovell, William JohnSpencer, Hart
Cooper, Ross OsborneLoveridge, Philip HenrySpilman, Fred
Corbett, James FosterLowe, Harold CecilSpragge, Gilbert
Corcoran, Joseph PatrickLowe, Thomas WestonSprath, Stewart
Corke, Percy HenryLowry, Daniel AlexanderSpry, Frederick
Cornish, Charles WallaceLowry, Walter MartinSquarebriggs, Daniel Glen
Coultas, Frederick MarcusLynds, Ira ErnestStanley, Cecil Willaim
Coulter, WilliamMacauley, Frederick CharlesStapleton, Charles Henry
Cowas, GeorgeMacClachlan, RoySteele, John Wilfred
Cox, Arthur NormanMacDonald, Robert WilliamStephens, George Alfred
Craig, RobertMacDonald, RonaldStephenson, John William
Cresswell, George HerbertMacDonald, Shirley AlbertSteven, Henry
Crook, Liund MorganMacDonald, William HenryStevenson, Hugh
Cross, Thomas DixonMacGougan, Fred H.Steves, Lawrence Victor
Crouch, HarryMacGregor, Roy FlemingStewart, Angus
Crouter, Allan EdwardMacIntosh, Hugh McLeodStewart, Frank
Crowe, Robert AlexanderMackay, AngusStewart, Henry Alexander
Cruickshank, JamesMacKenzie, Alexander MacDonaldStinson, John
Culliton, ThomasMackenzie, DonaldStochinsky, Maurice
Cunningham, MartinMacKenzie, JohnStokes, Ernest Alfred
Currie, JohnMackintosh, SimonStone, Claude Samuel
Curry, James ClarkMacklin, Terence EdwardStone, John
Daley, JamesMaclennan, FrederickStoner, Albert Victor
Danaher, Thomas HaroldMacLennan, WilliamStoner, Fred Alexander
Daniels, DanielMacPherson, DonaldStrachan, Alfred
Danielson, Daniel MartinMaddaford, FrancisStrain, Cecil
Dartt, Park LeroyMadden, James PatrickStrange, Clarence Nathaniel
Davidson, Cecil AlexanderMagner, Thomas EdwardStubberfield, Leland Robert
Davidson, John ClarenceMalden, William EliStubbs, Albert Edward
Davies, LloydMaley, Thomas VernonSugden, N. F. S.
Davis, J. A.Mallandine, EdwardSugden, Oscar
Dayton, HowardMann, Randolph AmosSuitor, John Franklin
Dean, Henry FredManning, William CharlesSummers, Frederick Frances
Dearing, John HenryManson, Alexander BrockSumner, Alfred Edward
Deegan, Francis ElraseMarks, VictoriaSutherland, Hugh
Degg, Harold,EdwardMarsh, Vernon LawrenceSutton, Frank
Delissimo, NestroMarshall, Norman ScottSutton, William Allan
Desbien, AdelardMarshall, ThomasSwaggart, Ralph
Desmond, PatrickMartin, CharlesSwan, Hamilton Lindsay
Dewolf, Duncan JohnMartin, ClaytonSwanson, Paul Horace
Dewolf, Francis G.Mason, Abe GardnerSwindell, Thomas Geogre
Dickinson, CharlesMassales, Carroll LeslieSympson, Victor Bernard
Digby, Henry CoursonMasters, George HenryTallman, Charles Leonard
Dilworth, George LancelotMatheson, HerbertTanner, William
Dixie, Fred JohnMathewson, WilliamTaylor, Duncan Scott
Dixon, John GeorgeMattatall, LeviTaylor, Eric
Dixon, Robert OgleMatthews, EdwardTaylor, Herbert Gladstone
Dodd, Sidney JamesMaurice, Hubert lindleyTaylor, William
Dodds, Earle GrosvenorMaw, Thomas GordonTaylor, William Stewart
Dolby, George ThomasMay, Arthur PercyTelley, Frank Carl
Donaldson, Robert HutchinsonMay, DuncanTerris, James 
Dougherty, Harold VintonMay, William HenryThew, Roy
Douglass, Robert SamuelMcArthur, HenryThomas, Arthur
Doyle, Mark JohnMcArthy, Charles StewartThomas, Owen James
Doyle, Patrick JamesMcBride, Daniel JosephThomas, Thomas Evan
Drader, William B.McBroom, FrankThompson, Charles Allen
Draper, William HarringtonMcCall, HughThompson, David Combe
Dreyer, JamesMcCammon, TheodoreThompson, George William
Drummond, Robert MauriceMcCartney, RobertThompson, Harry Gordon
Duddle, WilliamMcCashin, JamesThompson, Henry Gordon
Duff, Simon VictorMcCaura, JosephThompson, J. Norton
Duncanson, George W.McClaire, Gerald ArmstrongThompson, John Francis
Dundas, John JosephMcClelland, AndrewThompson, John Wilson
Dungan, JohnMcClelland, Thomas A.Thompson, William Gordon
Dunn, HarryMcClurg, Thomas William WallaceThomson, Alexander
Durant, Leo ShirleyMcCombie, AndrewThomson, Charles Gordon
Dussault, PeterMcCormick, Albert Ed. GeorgeThomson, Leornard McKenzie
Duthie, William GeorgeMcCreath, James DavidThomson, Neil Alexander
Dyer, NicholasMcCrory, FredThurburn, J. W.
Dyson, FredMcCrumm, Guy ChesterTitherley, Arthur Albert
Earner, JosephMcCubbin, ThomasTobin, Gerald Michael
Eastham, Lynn AaronMcCurdie, John LawrenceTompkinson, Norris
Eastwood, John WilliamMcCurdie, John LawrenceTowgood, E. J.
Edey, Ray StaffordMcDonald, HenryTravers, Clarence E.
Edlund, CarlMcDonald, John AlexanderTravis, Herbert
Edmond, RobertMcDonald, John EdwardTreadgold, Albert George
Edwards, Daniel R.McDonald, Norman StanleyTrombly, Michael John
Edwards, JamesMcDonald, PeterTucker, Edward
Elderkin, Clayton F.McDonald, Thomas HedleyTufts, William McKenzie
Elliott, Robert JamesMcDonald, Wallace BruceTunstall, Charles
Ellis, George F. C.McDougald, Clarence GordonTupper, Charles
Ensor, EdwardMcDougall, William CharlesTupper, Henry Leorand W.
Erickson, JohnMcGown, Thomas HoeyTurner, John Henry
Esselmont, JohnMcGregor, JosephTyerman, Herbert Earle
Ettinger, AlfredMcIntosh, George ThomsonTyndall, Cecil
Evans, George JohnMcIntosh, Joseph AlexanderValentin, Holyer Bjorn
Evans, Percy HarryMcIntosh, Tracy WilliamVamplew, Jack Willard
Evans, Tom A.McIntyre, JamesVanderwater, Harry Blake
Ewart, George AlfredMcKellar, HughVarney, William
Ewart, NormanMcKenna, John JamesVeasey, Ernest George
Falconer, JamesMcKillop, John LeonardVeneri, Mike
Farrell, MarkMcKillop,Stewart DouglasVenn, John Thomas
Fatherstone, William HenryMcLean, Marlon EttaVowles, John Charles
Fazan, Allan ErnestMcLellan, EverettVowles, Reginald
Feagan, William LeonardMcLennan, JohnWaddell, William Weir
Feeney, Patrick JosephMcLennan, Morris K.Wain, Nathaniel
Fentiman, PercyMcLeod, AlexanderWainwright, William Jerome
Fenton, James HenryMcLeod, Malcolm AlexanderWales, Arthur Frederick
Fenwick, Sydney RichardMcMillan, Herbert JohnWalker, Alexander Fraser
Ferguson, George HenryMcMillan, James AlexanderWalker, Joseph Donald
Ferrier, C. J. TaitMcNeil, Norman McLeodWalker, Matthew Simpson
Ferris, AlfredMcNelly, William HenryWalker, Nelson James
Fielding, James RayMcNichol, Thomas HenryWalker, Ralph Holgate
Findlater, John TaylorMcQuarrie, James Alexander R.Walker, William
Findlay, Darward LaughtonMcRae, Archibald A.Wall, Allan Edward
Finlayson, AlexanderMcTaggart, Charles RayWalsh, Thomas Anthony
Finlayson, John KennedyMearns, JohnWalton, George
Finlayson, Sidney DouglasMedland, Albert AndrewWann, John
Finlayson, William KinghornMedland, GeorgeWard, Arthur
Firth, Benjamin DesradeMeech, Henry AustinWard, Edward Graham
Fisher, Abraham AllanMellish, MiltonWard, Nathaniel Barnaby
Fisher, Elmer LionelMenzies, IanWatson, Charles Albert
Fisher, Norman S.Mercer, William HoraceWatson, Jonathand Miller
Fisher, RoydonMeridith, JohnWatt, John
Fleet, DavidMerrit, Edwin EagleWeathers, Harry
Fleming, H. G.Meyers, George EdwardWeaver, Charles Percy
Fleury, ClementMillard, Harry JamesWebster, John
Fogg, William HenryMiller, Alexander DuffWellband, Wilbur Arthur
Forrest, RobertMiller, Harold Wellington, Robert
Forrester, Robert DouglasMiller, Joe EarnestWells, Andrew
Foster, Harold JamesMills, Arthur SamuelWelsh, Alexander
Foster, MaxMilne, WilliamWest, Albert Edward
Foulds, Andrew RobertMilton, John AlexanderWest, Florence C.
France, Walter PriorMilwain, PeterWest, Frederick Benjamin
Fraser, AlexanderMinnes, Reginald FrankWest, Robert
Fraser, DonaldMitchell, Arthur EdwardWestlake, Arthur Roberts
Freeman, Albert A.Mode, CecilWestwood, Norman
Freeman, StephenMoldrup, John PageWhalen, Raymond F.
Frith, S.Monger, JamesWheeler, Harold
Gadsden, HenryMonle, ArchieWhite, Daniel Roy
Galloway, Joseph B.Montgomery, AllanWhite, Harold Anderson
Gammon, William CharlesMontgomery, Harold EdwardWhite, Harry Rupert
Garner, GlenMoore, FrederickWhite, Iver
Gayton, Charles A.Moore, Hugh GordonWhitelaw, Robert
Gell, Harold CMorgan, RichardWiffen, Henry
George, Robert Morling, Octavius JosiahWilins, Walter
Germain, TheodoreMorris, N. L.Wilkins, Morely Arthur
Gerrard, Henry WilliamMorrison, George EdwardWilkinson, Leonard Melbourne
Gerrie, Gordon WallaceMorrow, Hugh MervinWill, John Green
Gibbs, JamesMorrow, Stanly ThompsonWillard, Reginald Arthur
Gibson, AlexanderMuckle, EdwardWillett, Philip Charles
Gieffman, Frank E.Mulhall, Mary AliceWilliams, Audrey Lanston
Gillis, Warren MillerMuncey, Fred K ThomasWilliams, Edeward Arnold
Gisborne, FrancisMunday, Albert RipertWilliams, Eric Francis
Gold, JohnMunday, Mathey RobtWilliams, G. H.
Goldstone, William JohnMunro, James RussellWilliams, George
Good, LorneMunro, WilliamWilliams, Joseph Augustus
Gordon, Alva M.Murdock, James WilliamWilliams, Richard
Gordon, HarryMurray, ByersWilliamson, William
Graffman, Frank EdwardMurray, Joseph McCormickWilliscroft, Benjamin Clifford
Graham, George MagarMurray, RobertWilson, Francis Lawrence
Graham, John GrahamMurrell, SydneyWilson, Frank Douglas
Graham, Roland McKenzieMustard, William James A.Wilson, George Wynn
Graham, WilliamNash, EdgarWilson, Hugh
Grant, Eric RussellNeal, Leamon CurreyWilson, Robert
Grant, GeorgeNeilson, Frank JohnWilson, Victor William
Grant, H. K.Nethery, OttoWilson, William McKinley
Grant, Robert LukeNettleton, Clarence E.Wilson, William Sam
Graves,  Philip GordonNewell, Arthur E.Winter, Harold Owen
Greane, Henry CharlesNewman, Frederick H.Wize, John
Green, JohnNewton, Richard FrancisWormald, Aubrey
Green, Louis TheodoreNicholson, Charles WestWray, Edward
Green, Monica C.Nicholson, ThomasWright, Frank
Greenlees, Alexander LNicol, George LeeWright, Jesse Green
Greenord, Allan L.Nicoll, William T.Wright, William
Grieve, H. W.Nixon, FrankWygle, Aurellan Manson
Grimshire, JackNorgeot, Ernest CharlesYeo, Samuel Ray
Grindrod, ErnestNorman, LeonardYool, John
Grives, EdwardNye, Harry SentonYorke, William Charles
Gummerson, Luther EmmanuelNygaard, John SudwickYorston, Cyril
Gunn, Hugh G.Oatway, Albert JamesYoung, Frederick
Gunn, W. K.O’Connor, StephenYoung, Peter
Haddon, Alec. BruceOdlum, Harold VictorYounghusband, Edward
Hagerstrom, KeithO’Flynn, FrankZilempe, Michael
Haldane, John W.Ogden, George 
Hall, FrankOgenski, Frank